In our lifetime, technology has changed tremendously. Today it is changing at a more rapid pace than every before. Our Partners have been on the forefront of innovation and modernization since the early days of their careers.
Your supply chain is a critical component to getting the goods on the shelf at the right time and the right price. Our team can help determine the right partners and processes for your sourcing, logistics, and technology needs.
Our team has a long history of creating and deploying technology solutions that to this day are considered ground breaking.
Inventor and co-patent applicant for Ocean container allocation and forecasting system used by one of the largest retailers.
Co-Founder of Triton Works, an online marketplace for ocean freight. The company was sold to the Journal of Commerce and re-branded as JOC Exchange.
Co-Founder of Chassis Finder, the first online reservation system for marine chassis after the change in chassis procurement.
Early adopter of ocean carrier bid solutions
Advisory Board Member for Lanetix, and workflow management and CRM company.
We see industry wide issues and changes where technology solutions can and should be implemented. More and more consumers are demanding product in record time and we believe we need technology solutions in the supply chain that support that demand.
Whether it's developing and entire technology solution and deploying it, or implementing a system your company has purchased or developed, our team has the experience and is there to help give you peace of mind.